Political Relations between UK and Saudi Arabia; British aide-memoire to US State Department on UK policy towards Saudi Arabia; American attitude to Anglo-American close association in the Middle East. Code ES file 1051
FO 371/98828 1952Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- A report on a conversation with Ibn Saud at Riyadh, during which he spoke of suggestions he had made to King Farouk for a settlement of Anglo-Egyptian differences, the Frontier Conference, and the attitude of the Saudi delegation to the UN in Paris (1)
- The US concern about the possibility of a deterioration of relations between the UK and Saudi Arabia as a result of the failure to reach an agreement on the frontier question (2)
- Political relations with the UK. It includes a discussion on Ibn Saud's attitude to the UK (3)
- Further talks between Ibn Saud and the US Ambassador on Anglo-Saudi relations; a record of a conversation with Lewis Jones of the US State Department on the American attitude to Saudi Arabia and the influence of the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO); discussions with the US Embassy on Anglo-American-Saudi relations held on the 12 May 1952; the consequences of the adjournment in a deadlock of the Anglo-Saudi conference; a personal message from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Anthony Eden, to Ibn Saud, and a copy of the King's reply translated; a summary of recent exchanges on the Anglo-American-Saudi relations in 1952 (4-9)
- Mr Hare's theories about the Gulf Sheikhdoms, which are considered to be personal impressions rather than a reflection of State Department thinking, and a report on a conversation with Mr Hare about the Saudis' attitude towards Iraq (10-11)
- A recommendation made for an exchange of views with the US State Department on Anglo-American relations in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf (12)
- Confirmation that messages from the Queen, the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State to the Crown Prince have been sent through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jedda [Jeddah], as the Crown Prince is in Riyadh (13)
- An enquiry from the US Ambassador at Jeddah as to whether any particular line should be taken during discussions on the boundary dispute or other matters (14)
- Mr Hare's views on the boundary dispute and how a settlement might be reached (15)
- A detailed report on G C Pelham's audience with Ibn Saud and various members of his court on a recent visit to Riyadh (16)
- The importance to the UK position in the Gulf of friendly relations with Saudi Arabia (17)
- An account of the American influence in Saudi Arabia and the effect on HMG's position, as well as the necessity for greater cooperation between the UK and the US in Saudi Arabia (18)