Proposed IPC oil agreement with the Imam whose territory is claimed both by Saudi Arabia and the Sultan of Muscat. Code EA file 15322

FO 371/98441 1952

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • The desirability of the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) attempting to make an oil agreement with the Imam (1)
  • The Imam's emissaries staying in Sharjah . It is suggested that a representative of IPC discusses matters with them (2)
  • Fears that an oil agreement may prejudice the outcome of the boundary negotiations (3)
  • The proposed IPC oil agreement with the Imam. It is considered that Sultan Saeed Bin Taimur should be consulted and HMG should stand by his decision, or that HMG should make clear their intention on securing an oil agreement; the Imam's emissaries' intentions on an oil agreement (4-5)
  • The possibility of an oil agreement between the IPC and the Imam (6).