Dispute about sovereignty of Buraimi. Code EA file 1084 (papers 301 - 320)

FO 371/98379 1952

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • A request that action should be taken to forestall any attempt by the State Department to instruct their Consul-General in Dhahran to advise the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur to adhere to the Standstill Agreement (301)
  • A report from Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) regarding passage through their camp at Tarif, in undisputed Abu Dhabi territory, of a Saudi convoy (302)
  • W R Hay's proposed visit to Muscat (303)
  • A close inspection carried out by the Arabian American Oil Company of the Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) camps of Tarif and Murban (303)
  • A conversation with A D M Ross during which the Saudi Ambassador reported that Ibn Saud was not impressed with HMG’s denial that any of their aircraft flew over Buraimi on 25 October (305)
  • A summary clarifying and defining the Standstill Agreement (306)
  • The Sultan’s agreement for HMG to conduct negotiations on his behalf respecting Buraimi, his agreement to the Standstill Agreement, and his wish to be consulted before any offer of arbitration is made to the Saudi government (307)
  • Abu Dhabi's claim to the Buraimi villages and surrounding areas (308)
  • The Sultan's view regarding Buraimi and the Standstill Agreement (309)
  • A report that Kuwaiti troops left Riyadh three days ago bound for Buraimi (310)
  • A recommendation that Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan be made a present of 25 rifles and 5,000 rounds of ammunition and £1,500 (311)
  • A suggestion of an immediate protest against Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan's call on Turki Bin Ataishan (312)
  • Comments on the proposed arbitration proposals and questions as to the Sultan’s position (313)
  • A suggestion that the Sultan should attempt to win Obaid of the Beni Ka'ab tribe away from Turki Bin Ataishan (314)
  • A proposal for financial assistance to be offered to Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan who may be able to win back those who have gone over to Turki (315)
  • Hay's request for instructions regarding Muscat territory if the Saudis refuse arbitration (316)
  • The possibility of settling the boundary dispute by arbitration. Sheikh Zayed is in favour provided that no Americans or Arabs are included amongst the arbitrators (317)
  • G C Pelham's strong objections to Turki Bin Ataishan's activities. He also requests a reply to the Saudi complaint of tactical exercises outside Buraimi (318)
  • The Saudis' wish to separate the Buraimi question from the rest in negotiations (319)
  • An account of a discussion with the US State Department on frontier negotiations and Buraimi (320).