Loan to Kuwait Oil Co to enable them to bring electricity from Mina al Ahmadi refinery to the town p.2
FO 371/82126 1950E EA 15312 21 EASTERN DEPARTMENT ARABIA FROM Agency Kuwait 1950 The Ruler of Kuwait is making a loan to the Kuwait Electric Co. to enable them to bring to E. Dept electricity from the Mena al Ahmadi refinery to The town. 124/6/50 Copy of Mr Belthins letter of 31st March to Sir Rupert play No. Dared 31st March 1950 11th Received Registry" //h April REFERENCES (MINUTES) 12 13.10 MEK a 14/4 82 126 (Print) (How disposed of) (Action completed) (Index) $1.5/4 bele 37799