E EA 1393 1393/ EASTERN DEPARTMENT ARABIA Mr 1950 FROM Chancery Comments of Bagdad and Basta on Bagdad to M.E.S. Marrison's report on ritish Shipping in the P.G. 1392/1/50 Refers to E9555/1394 (as of 3rd Nov. Dated 12th Jan 1950 No. Received in Registry— 244 Jan REFERENCES (MINUTES) rt E Copy to gereal Money, I'w Dudgeo E Dept first. 2 frangente E ew 26/1 E 9555/1394/91 E11466) 1395/93 15359) 1393/93 E 15/25/1391/93 E hetter to Miss Ashe Treasury Han (Print) si Tan. (How disposed of) 82 102 bel ) Afr) Miss Ashe (Tsy) from der Dudgeon Feb 2nd 8) Mr Dodds (Admirality en Money (M/ Tram) Mc Mitchell (m/Frp) Mo Couldney (BIT) Feb 3rd a) Bagdad Letter & ben. Money (m/Trans) (Action completed) (Index) Shule di 37799