- The Persian Gulf Residency, Bahrain. CONFIDENTIAL NO.43 67/18/49% 8th June, 1949. Sir, I have the honour to forward herewith a despatch received from the Political Agent, Muscat, about the visit of the U.S.S. "Duxbury Bay" to Muscat in May. - 2. On the occasion of the visit of the U.S.S. "Greenwich Bay" to Muscat in 1948, there was a certain amount of misunderstanding as the Sultan insisted that the visit was unofficial incidentally, it took place during the month of fast while the Captain of the ship regarded it as official. The misunderstanding was cleared up in due course and the "unfortunate incidents to which the Political Agent refers had no serious results. I have the honour to be, With the highest respect, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, Mistery The Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin, M.P., etc., etc., etc., Foreign Office, London.