Tel. No.: Whitehall 1234 E3 Your Reference TREASURY CHAMBERS, GREAT GEORGE STREET, SCHEME Treasury Reference 303 NAN au אניעם STATION MEN LONDON, S.W.1. 19th November, 1948 15239 My deandoddie, Waight has reported to us that on the conclusion of some financial talks which he has been having at Jedda, the Saudi Arabian Ministers made him a present of a wrist watch and a "very handsome Arab robe and headdress". He says that these presents are very common form at Riyadh, but according to the Embassy it is very unusual for them to be given to visitors to Jedda. Could you let me know whether it would cause you any embarrassment from the point of view of general Foreign Office practice if Waight were allowed to retain these presents? For our part we should see no objection. eu ever, lche Anoushay. Danes R.E. Barclay, Esq., CMG, Foreign Office.