VO see tus paper, is Egyptian Dept should M. Fitzmaurice learly night, ent practical diffi arire met e P may tere antt nity Italian Eritrea Through which such application med he canalised. عوا ahmed المیہ یہ alt be te de put any lotions И Eritrea way of leaning S. Sanai Sandi Aalia anywhere an else there ae هورم olunt 2. roo the many antig D. PRUDERTON-PIGOTT 28 Echine Defi, 고 aw agree with the foregoing. One solution which would neither discourage Emigratini from Eintrea nor delegate to Embassy in Jedda duties and properly within its spthere would be for our Embassy to contine to accept applications from Eritrea and the Italian negation those from Italian metropolitan subjects. 1 au refer to Folnaitland. xel (D.S.D. MAITLAND)