" 6 (*&; **** *****: far as compilation PD-200 application. You should also notify us that arrangements for financing this project have been cleared between the Treasury and A.1.0.C. and basis of this arrangement. 4. At 7th meeting of Lloyd Mission and United States Petroleum Supply and Distribution Board, held here February 5th, reference was made to the desirability of building facilities nearer to the scene of operations thus saving valuable tanker space. 5. As regards proposed investigation of Saudi Arabia mainland site for production of 100 octane at the ad hoc meeting P.A.W. official expressed opinion that this project would undoubtedly be the most expensive of the three and that since no refinery facilities at all exist there it is questionable whether the 100 octane angle is even worthwhile investigating. We have purposely avoided e'ither encouraging or discouraging such investigation although we have made it clear that we are not in position to furnish any information on such a project which must come from United States side. 6. Would appreciate receiving your views promptly together with confirmation that you have taken necessary action vis à vis A. 1.0.0. London accordance paragraph 3 above. WARNING: This is a Fuel/Elfunocop telegram and must notibe distributed to persons outside British Government Service. No reference to a Fuel/Elfunocop telegram should be made in a telegram in any other series 0