1966 FILE 1197 (Security Grading-to be Up-graded where Appropriate) RESTRICTED ARABIAN DEPARTMENT 7066 /Q / GENERALFROM J.W.D. Geayi bahrain SUBJECT: supply of arms to statesten Persian Gulf.to M. Westa?? Ces no approded has been made for ipot Hikences for the biders en question there fray be some very goodNo. 1192/65. Meason why the Hochrain State Hice do not afisk to take the matter wepp at the moment.Dated 2) December Encloses Copy of:ads C.H.D. Everett: Washingtt B 1197/7/1965) Dated References and Relevant Papers : Received (Outward Action) MINUTES . م ) هههه . مص (Printing Instructions) 185200 (Referred to Legal Adviser) (Actioncompleted) (Main Indexed)