Oil: Fujairah

FO 371/179937 1965

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Fujairah oil. Several oil companies and intermediaries are interested in discussions with the Ruler of Fujairah and Sheikh Mohammad Bin Hamad Al Sharqi will not grant Kassab exclusive right to negotiate on his behalf. Sheikh Saqr Bin Sultan Al Qasimi suggests reviving the political union between Fujairah and Sharjah to consolidate oil concessions (2)
  • Gibraltar Minerals Company's interest in an oil and mineral concession agreement with Sheikh Mohammad and British views on the sort of intermediaries he should avoid. It also discusses a potential visit to London by Sheikh Mohammad (3)
  • Renton Brothers (Export) Limited's wish to negotiate on the Ruler's behalf regarding the exploration of oil and minerals in Fujairah. The Foreign Office suggests proceeding cautiously and wants a status report on the company from the Board of Trade (8)
  • End of Renton Brothers' interest and the Ruler's negotiations regarding an oil concession with Collins Submarine Pipeline Limited (12)