Commercial relations between UK and Persian Gulf sheikhdoms p.3

FO 371/179766 1965


5 May 1965

No. 15 /


I have the honour to transmit herewith the records of the

meeting of Commercial Officers at Diplomatic Service posts in

the southern Gulf, which was held at Bahrain on the 29th and

30th March, 1965.

2. This year the meeting was also attended by the First
Secretaries (Commercial) at H.M. Embassies at Kuwait and Jedda.

It was valuable to have their participation and I am grateful
to H.M. Ambassadors at Kuwait and Jedda for having permitted

them to come;

I hope that the Ambassadors will be able to spare

them or their successors for future meetings

The review of economic developments and commercial pros 
pects in individual territories has been recorded in Part II of

the Minutes in some detail so that it may serve, together with

the statistical Annexes, as a general economic report and docu 
ment of reference for Departments in Whitehall, and I would draw

Departments' attention to the generally informative review which

it contains.


Part IV of the Minutes records the discussion of what was

intended to be the main theme of the meeting - export promotion

in Gulf markets following up the new export promotion measures
announced this year by H.M. Government and the Trade Mission
sent by the Council for Middle East Trade in November, 1964.
In this connection I wish to emphasise the point made in the
Minutes that there is no substitute for serious visits by


The Right Honourable M.S, Stewart,

etc., etc., etc.,