Postal services

FO 371/174572 1964

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Sultanate stamps and an estimate of the likely philatelic annual sale figure in the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman provided by the General Post Office (GPO) (2)
  • Need to modernise the postal service in Oman, particularly stamps, and therefore help modernise Sultan Saeed Bin Taimur's image abroad (3)
  • Argument between J S R Duncan and the Sultan about his refusal to produce Sultanate stamps (4)
  • The Sultan being close to agreeing to issue his own stamps and a request by Duncan for the GPO to provide a simple guide explaining how to design and produce stamps. The Sultan does not want his image on any stamps (5)
  • GPO's brief about the 'Issue of postage stamps for the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman by the British Post Office'. It provides explanations and advice about the production of stamps and the running of the postal service (6)
  • Confusion and therefore dispute caused by Britain's request that the Sultan produce his own stamps, when it more accurately wanted the Sultan to allow GPO to issue Sultanate stamps (7-8)
  • GPO's intention to handover the Bahrain Post Office to the Bahrain Government and its consequent desire not to remain in the Gulf to run the post office in Muscat and Oman. The dispute over who controls the issue of stamps is therefore redundant (9)