Civil development proposals

FO 371/174565 1964

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Sultan Saeed Bin Taimur's civil development proposals for the three year period from April 1965. This includes completion of the Batinah road, the rebuilding of health centres, a third experimental farm, primary school improvements, the building of a government garage, broadcasting and the appointment of a fisheries' officer. Nothing is provided for sport and the British are concerned that the Sultan is preoccupied with security rather than social issues (1)
  • Britain's civil development proposals for 1964-67, including a list of possible projects relating to the recruitment of a civil engineer and a mechanical engineer, roads, health, agriculture, education, broadcasting, experts and sport (2)
  • Review of development proposals including estimated financial requirements for these proposals and for the completion of projects outstanding from the programme ending on 30 September 1964 (3) 
  • Review of the Muscat subsidy in relation to civil development assistance and an attempt to marry the civil development proposals made by Britain and the Sultan (4)