Bahrain: draft air services agreement between UK and Abu Dhabi
FO 371/170968 1963Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Negotiations between the British Overseas Airways Corporation and Ahmad Kanoo on the proposed establishment of a Bahraini airline, the possibility of reducing investment in the Gulf Aviation Company Limited and the implications for Qatar (1)
- Transfer of land at Bahrain airfield to the Government of Bahrain (2)
- Future of Gulf Aviation and the possible formation of a Bahraini airline (3)
- Finding the best means for disposing of a Piper Pacer aircraft left at Bahrain airport (4)
- Question of whether the Ministry of Aviation can legally charge for navigational services provided at Bahrain airport. It includes an explanation of the usual procedure for legislation in Bahrain (5)
- Entry in the Bahrain Register of Commerce for Bahrain Airways registered to the Kanoo family and information that the project for a Qatar National Airlines has been revived (6)
- Visit to Bahrain by the Deputy Air Traffic Control Officer M A Young to carry out the annual inspection of air traffic control (7)
- Bahrain Airport - Terminal Building lease agreement (8)