Political relations: UK: resumption of relations

FO 371/168875 1963

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Notion of providing cultural and technical assistance to Saudi Arabia as a means of strengthening Anglo-Saudi political relations. This includes English language teaching. It also discusses the unlikelihood of funds being made available for British Council representation in Jedda [Jeddah] (61)
  • Visit of the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Omar Saqqaf and his wife to Britain (62)
  • Conversation with the Saudi Ambassador about Buraimi and the possibility of a meeting between Sultan Saeed Bin Taimur and Prince Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud; Yemen and a renewal of the disengagement agreement; and Prince Faisal's health following his operation (63)
  • Suggestion that a visit of a British medical team to Saudi Arabia should be carried out and financed by the British Council rather than the Department of Technical Cooperation (64)
  • Brief on the general political background in Saudi Arabia for Lord Carrington's discussion on 25 November 1963 with Lord Inchcape (65)
  • E D O'Brien's relationship with Saudi Arabia as a public relations consultant (66)
  • Visit to Saudi Arabia by a delegation of MPs including Pat Wall, Victor Goodhew, Peter Agnew, James Bennett and John Robertson as guests of the Saudi Arabian Government (67)