Bahrain Pharmaceutical Goods Regulation of 1963

FO 371/168683 1963

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Need for a doctor for the Bahrain State Medical Service to replace Dr Grant. A doctor seconded from the British Army is deemed suitable as the Ruler is opposed to a Pakistani (1)
  • Bahraini Government's decision to amend the Pharmaceutical Goods (Price Control) Ordinance to increase the maximum profit margins for certain pharmaceutical goods and Britain's willingness to pass parallel legislation (2)
  • Bahrain Pharmaceutical Goods (Price Control) (Amendment) Regulation, 1963 and the Bahrain Pharmaceutical Goods Maximum Margin of Profit Regulations, 1963 (3-5)
  • Crown Agents wish to arrange an interview at the British Embassy with a resident of Khartoum who is being considered to fill the post of laboratory chief technician in the medical department of the Government of Bahrain (6)