Health care
FO 371/156819 1961Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Question of the provision of air conditioning for Muscat Charitable Hospital (1)
- Offer made by Sultan Saeed Bin Taimur to the Arabian Mission of the Dutch Reformed Church to build a new ward for the Mutthrah [Muttrah] Mission Hospital. The offer was declined as the Mission felt they did not have the resources to manage the extra capacity (2)
- Authorisation of the purchase and installation of air conditioners in Dr Sen's office at the Muscat Charitable Hospital, as well as in a room used for heat stroke patients (3)
- Possibility of allocating more funds to the Muscat Charitable Hospital; the Sultan's preference for medical provision to be extended into the interior of Oman, rather than expanded in Muscat; the appointment of a Principal Medical Officer to oversee expansion of medical provision in Muscat and Oman; the question of extending air conditioning standards; and expenses for Muscat Charitable Hospital, 1960-1961 (5-6)
- Proposal to turn over the administration of Muscat Charitable Hospital to the Sultanate Development Department (7)
- Extract from a letter by J E H Boustead outlining the progress achieved in the development of health centres and dispensaries in Oman (8)