CONFIDENTIAL Inward Telegram to Commonwealth Relations Office -- 3 JAN 1961 FROM: KARACHI RPTD: DELHI MUSCAT D: R: 14th December, 1960 19th December, 1960 No. 215 SAVING CONFIDENTIAL Addressed Commonwealth Relations Office No. 215 Saving repeated Delhi No. 59 Saving and Muscat No. 30M Saying. RA1383)13 ) Your telegram No. 271 Saving of 16th November. HASIRAH ISLAND AIRFIELD Information in telegram under reference has been passed to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, and a copy of the relevant Note is attached. 2. In case the Pakistan authorities enquire about judicial arrangements it would be helpful to know whether any special jurisdictional arrangements are envisaged similar to those on Gan. For example would civilian employees on Masirah be regarded as "Members of the British Forces and subject to Part II of the Air Force Act, 1955. Copy to: Mr. Redpath Mr. Butters A/iiinistry (C.E.3) Mr. G. Cook Mr. L.G. Perry Mr. C.R. Adlam Reg. Tels. (4) Foreign Office Mr. Bullock ALLOTTED TO DEFENCE DEPT. CONFIDENTIAL