Political relations: Other Arab countries
FO 371/156772 1961Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Suggestions for how the Sultan of Muscat and Oman could build up his international standing and in particular the possibility of him establishing contacts with moderate Arab Governments through personal visits (1)
- The Sultan of Muscat and Oman's stopover in Sudan during his journey to the UK and the possibility of a renewal of contacts between the Sultan and the Sudanese Government (2)
- Prospects of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman building closer relations with Sudan and Lebanon (3)
- Possibility of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman visiting Morocco (4)
- Possible visit to Tunis by the Sultan (5)
- Suggestion that the Sultan pay a private visit to Jerusalem, as this might gain him some positive attention from the Jordanian Government (6)
- Advice to the Sultan not to visit Libya and instead to promote his case in writing to other Arab Governments and to lobby African and Asian delegations in New York (7)
- Brief for discussions with the Sultan, regarding the need to gain greater international support for his position against the Omani rebels (8)
- Summary of a meeting held with the Sultan to discuss ways of improving the Sultanate's international relations, specifically by sending a representative to the United Nations (UN,) by joining the World Health Organisation (WHO), by taking control of Oman's postal service from the British and by appointing a Muscati to tour other countries to put over the Sultan's case and counter the arguments of the rebels. Also discussed was the need to improve the internal administration of the Sultanate (9)