Operation of the Persian Gulf Light Service

FO 371/156697 1961

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Enquiry from the Embassy of the Netherlands in the UK, regarding sharing in the costs of maintenance of lighthouses in the Red Sea (1)
  • Payment received from the Netherlands covering their share in the maintenance costs of Red Sea lighthouses (2)
  • Visit to the Foreign Office by a lawyer representing the Administration Générale des Phares de l'Empire Ottoman Maitre A. Biliotti, which formerly operated the Red Sea Lights and has a longstanding claim for compensation against HMG. There is a reply from the Foreign Office to the Administration Générale des Phares de l'Empire Ottoman denying any claim for compensation (7, 9)
  • Request to the Netherlands Government for payment in contribution to the costs of maintenance of the Red Sea Lights (10)
  • Letter in French with a translation from the Administration Générale des Phares de l'Empire Ottoman, further pressing its claim for compensation from HMG and various notes in response to the letter, discussing what would be an appropriate reply (11)