Economic reports on Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms for 1960
FO 371/156687 1961Description
This file contains:
- Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms of Bahrain, Qatar and the Trucial States and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman - Economic Report No. 4 of 1960, for December Quarter (1)
- Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms of Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman - Economic Review for 1960, along with a covering letter providing a summary of notable developments. There is also a confidential annex to the annual economic review (2)
- Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms of Bahrain, Qatar and the Trucial States and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman - Economic Report No. 1 of 1961, for March Quarter, with a confidential annexe (3)
- Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms of Bahrain, Qatar and the Trucial States and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman - Economic Report No. 2 of 1961, for June Quarter, with a confidential annexe (4)