CONFIDENTIAL Sections Area Duru Sabah Bait Magya Bait Rumaidan Bait Marrash Darabia (Bait Darbit) Muzanawa Bait Alagauzi Bait Aidan Bait Laitar Hamidah Habarut Habarut Duru AZIZ Matar bin Salim also has control in Suwallim in Aflat Bani Qitab. The tribal area used to extend west towards the Sharuf. BATAHIRA A Beduin tribe living in the Saugira - Ras sharbatat area of Dhofar. BALUCH Unpopular with their neighbours. Section: Cassasiya Araqi Shaikhs (Araqi) Rashid bin Said Said bin Rashid (s) (in Saudi Arabia) Salim bin Rashid (s) Suwaidan bin Muhammed (N) Awwadh bin mohamned (N) Nasir bin Said Hamed bin Rashid. Shihab bin Hamed. Rashid bin Hamed. Salim bin Hamed Strength in Araqi 60 houses MA'AZAN Shaikh - Sultan bin Nasir Strength - 90 houses IBRI Strength - 15 houses CONFIDENTIAL