CONFIDENTIAL INWARD SAVING TELEGRAM FROM BRUSSELS TO FOREIGN OFFICE BA1910/ By Bag DEPARTMENTAL DISTRIBUTION Sir G. Labouchere R. March 5, 1960 No. 10 Saving March 4, 1960 CONFIDENTIAL Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 10 Saving of March 4, Repeated for information Saving to Bahrain Dubai The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed Commercial Secretary that they have received an application from a local Belgian firm of armament manufacturers to export United States Dollars 2,800 worth of arms and ammunition to an Abdul Rahman Batra in Dubai. The arms will consist of shotguns, sporting rifles and pistols, the latter of 6.3 m.m. and 7.65 m.m. 2. The Ministry have stated that they will only issue an export licence if the Embassy is prepared to give a no objection certificate, May we do so? The Ministry have requested an early reply. DISTRIBUTED TO Arabian Department Western Department General Department CONFIDENTIAL