Internal Political Situation: Kuwait
FO 371/148912 1960Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- D J McCarthy's talk with Assistant State Secretary in Kuwait Ashraf Lutfi about a lack of development planning in Kuwait and the possible redistribution of Sheikhly offices including the designation of the Ruler's successor (25)
- Kuwait Oil Company favouring Kuwait-born employees and the general feeling of 'Kuwait for the Kuwaitis', including the restrictive nature of the revised Kuwaiti nationality law (26-27)
- List of principal officials of the state of Kuwait as at 10 January 1960 (28)
- Description of the activities and expansion of the Department for Social Affairs and Labour over the past 4 years (29)
- Decision of the Supreme Council to establish a Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including a record of J C B Richmond's conversation with State Secretary Sayyed Badr Al Abdulla Al Mulla on the subject (30)
- Development of the Kuwaiti administration and rule of law, including the reorganisation of the civil service and embryonic budgetary control. It also discusses modifying or modernising Sheikhly rule in Kuwait (31)
- President of Finance and Economy Sheikh Jabir Al Ahmad approving the establishment of a civil service training school. The British are keen to limit Egypt's dominance of training and education in Iraq (32)