Neutral zone frontiers between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

FO 371/148868 1960

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Conversation between Sheikh Abdulla Al Salem Al Sabah and Prince Faisal in Riyadh about the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone boundaries (1)
  • Consultation between Assistant State Secretary Ashraf Lutfi and Political Resident J C B Richmond regarding the Kuwait-Saudi Neutral Zone boundaries (2)
  • Memorandum produced for Ashraf Lutfi by the Political Agency: 'Observations on the Kuwait-Neutral Zone and the Neutral Zone-Saudi Boundaries' (3)
  • Agreement that both sides will provide certified true copies of the Arabic version of the 1922 Kuwait-Najd Boundary Convention, with the aim of identifying a claim by the Saudis that the original convention contained a footnote with details about the boundary (4)