Discussion on Oman at UN. Code BA file 1073
FO 371/140120 1959Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Arab States considering the introduction of an item on Oman into the UN General Assembly and propaganda emanating from the office of the Imam in Cairo (1, 4-5)
- Pamphlet [enclosed] sent by the Arab League to the UN: British Aggression Against the Imamate of Oman by M Fathalla El Khatib and Issam Kabbani (3)
- Record of a conversation between Minister of Foreign Affairs Sayyed Ahmad Khair and HM Chargé d'Affaires R W Bailey about the question of sovereignty in Muscat and Oman (6)
- Tibet and possible repercussions in the United Nations for Oman (7)
- Comments made during the UN General Assembly debate on Oman; including the relevant document numbers of verbatim records of speeches (9)