Jebal Hafaiya to Fujairah and Jebal Faiyah Yabisa to Kalba. 13) RAS AL KHAIMA, DUBAI, AND AJMAN FRONTIERS WADIS QOR AND MATTA After investigations on behalf of the political Agent the following boundaries were laid down. The Ras al Khaimah boundary in the Wadi Qor NOTHING TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN area runs from Ned al Shanisat near Jebal Thalfa in the west eastwards passing north of Wadi Suqeiba and then immediately to the south of Jebal Hina, leaving it to Ras al Khaimah, to the peak of Jebal Qitami. From there it runs north of the Wadi Scharab to Jebal Hubeib and Jebal Ma'awiz. It then runs south across the Wadi Qaur at its watershed east of Khurus to the peak of Jebal Abu Faraj. From Jebal Abu Faraj it turns east running along the watershed of the mountain range between the Wadis Qaur and Hatta towards Mijasah. The frontiers of Ahman and Dubai territory in the Wadi Hatta with Ras al Khaimah territory in the Wadi Qor runs along the watershed of the mountain range between the two Wadis. The approxi mate boundaries of the Atman area, provisional to the claims of the Sultan of Muscat ran as follows: "From Lisheikhera running down the Wadi Hatta north of Hadf to a point south of Ghuzlanat. Thence it should pass through Jebal Hadf and con tinue along mountain range between Jeba]s Hadf and Hajarain till south of Jebal Mussaya. It then turns north, meeting line of the wall at Jebal Mussaya and cuts straight a cross the Wadi Hatta to the watershed of the mountain range between that Wadi and the Wadi Qaur, it then follows this watershed westwards by way of Jebal Abu Faraj to Jebal Milaiha and thence returns to Lisheikhera." The approximate boundaries of the Dubai