UK policy towards Trucial States

FO 371/132784 1958

This file contains:

  • Text of a Cairo Radio allegation of a British plot to assassinate Sheikh Saqr Bin Mohammad Al Qasimi of Ras Al Khaimah (1)
  • Record of the meeting between the Sheikh Saqr Bin Sultan Al Qasimi of Sharjah and the Foreign Office on 23 July 1958. They discussed topics including: the general situation in the Middle East; the oil concession with Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Limited; Sheikh Saqr's desire for the unification of the Trucial States; and the Air Ministry's desire for a longer runway at Sharjah airport and an extension of the Air Agreement beyond 1961. Also includes a Foreign Office brief for the meeting with a brief biography of Sheikh Saqr (2)
  • Record of conversation between Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd and the Ruler of Sharjah on 25 July 1958 (3)
  • Record of conversation between J F Walker and the Ruler of Sharjah (4)