CONFIDENTIAL FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE Cypher/OTP FOREIGN OFFICE AND WHITISHALL DISTRIBUTION Sir B. Burrows No. 1271 D. 12.08 p.. November 26, 1957 November 26, 1957 R. 12.45 p.m. November 26, 1957 PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 1471 of November 26 Repeated for information to P.0.M.E.F. Kuwait Commander B.F.A.P. and Saving to Dubai Muscat Doha lly telegram No. 1462: Qatar Strike. In the course of discussion between the Company, the Government and workers on November 25 workers introduced a new demand for three additional hours off in a month. Sheikh Ahmed said that if this point was agreed, he would do all he could to prevent further demands from stopping return to work. The Company have, however, felt unable to discuss this demand, which they say is in excess of practices of all other companies in the Persian Gulf. They remain ready to resume discussion on other points. 2. Sheikh Ahmed has told the Political Agent that he would do all he could to preserve order. He had already sent retainers to Umn Said and Dukhan. The situation is quiet in both places, but the Political Agent has commented to me that it is generally expected that if agreement is not reached soon strikers may try to use force. In the light of this I have instructed him to remind the Ruler that the Qatar Government is responsible for the maintenance of law and order throughout the country, and to say that I am convinced the security forces are adequate for this purpose, but that if help is required from us the longest possible notice should be given. After discussion in the M.C.C. it is being recommended to the Commander in Chief East Indies that cruiser or NOV 195 frigate should return to Bahrain from the Hormuz area, where they now are, and it is being recommended to CBFAP that two Valettas should, if possible, be sent to Bahrain in case it is necessary to fly troops to Qatar. ANA Foreign Office pass Priority to P.O.M.E.F. as my telegram No. 325. (Repeated to P.O.M.E.F.) 666666 CONFIDENTIAL should,