Claims made by Iran to sovereignty over Bahrain
FO 371/126931 1957Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Report from Agence France-Presse that the Shah of Iran is planning to appoint the Ruler of Bahrain Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa as his imperial representative (19)
- Failure of the BBC to give publicity to a Foreign Office statement in response to the renewed Iranian claim to Bahrain (20)
- Proposed statement to be made by the Foreign Secretary in reply to the proclamation by Iran of the administrative annexation of Bahrain, along with comments and suggested amendments (22)
- Brief regarding the Iranian claim to Bahrain, prepared for the Permanent Under-Secretary's meeting with the Turkish Ambassador (23)
- Offer from Alfred Bossom to assist and reports of various meetings he subsequently had (24)
- Summary of the coverage of the Bahrain issue in the Iranian Parliament and the Tehran press (25)
- Translations of extracts from two articles in the Roumanian [Romanian] press about the Bahrain issue (26)
- Call at the Foreign Office from Fartash of the Iranian Embassy, who mentioned the Iranian claim to Bahrain (27)
- Report of a conversation between the British and Iranian Ambassadors in Berne [Bern] (28)
- Details of a parliamentary question on the Iranian claim to Bahrain and the answer provided (29)
- Meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister Dr Ardalan at which the issue of the Iranian press campaign about Bahrain was raised and it was informed that the granting of visas to the Gulf States for the Faramarzi brothers would be deferred (30)
- Despatch by the Ambassador to Iran Roger Stevens providing an analysis of the motives behind the present agitation, a prediction of its future course and a suggestion as to action to be taken by HMG (31)
- Report that Iran is planning to protest to Saudi Arabia and Iraq, as a result of the latter's communiqué on Bahrain. It also contains extracts from a Mecca Radio broadcast commenting on the Iranian claim to Bahrain (32)
- Statements issued by the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Baghdad with regard to the Iranian claim to Bahrain (33)
- Text of a statement by the Iranian Foreign Minister regarding the British response to the reassertion of the Iranian claim to Bahrain. It also contains a copy of the French text of the statement (34)
- Report on recent developments regarding the Iranian claim to Bahrain (35)
- Letter from the Ruler of Bahrain thanking HMG for its assurances regarding the safeguarding of the independence of Bahrain (36)
- Statement released by the Ruler of Bahrain in response to the recent Iranian actions (37)
- Report that the acting Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs was instructed, at a meeting of the regional Baghdad Pact powers, to urge restraint on the Iranian Foreign Minister (38)
- Report that both the Iraqi and Saudi Arabian Embassies in Rabat have released communiqués criticising the Iranian claim to Bahrain (39)
- Request from Bahrain Petroleum Company for a summary of the arguments rebutting the Iranian claims to Bahrain (40)
- Letter from Roger Stevens reporting an increase in temperature on the Bahrain question in Tehran, and a proposal for Anglo-Iranian talks on the Gulf (41)
- Report on the discussion of the Bahrain issue at a meeting of the regional Baghdad Pact powers (42)
- Report of a broadcast on Voice of the Arabs reporting that Saudi Arabian Radio had claimed that Bahrain was part of Saudi Arabia. A message was sent from King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud to the Ruler of Bahrain denying the report (43)
- Ruler of Bahrain's opinion that the US should make a public comment opposing the Iranian claim to Bahrain (44)
- Recommendations of the Political Agent in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows regarding a proposal for a publicity campaign in Tehran on behalf of Bahrain (45)
- Update on recent developments relating to the Bahrain issue (46)