Claims by Qatar and Abu Dhabi to the island of Habul

FO 371/126927 1957

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Proposed arbitration to settle the dispute over Halul Island. It contains a record of a conversation between the Political Agent in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows and the Ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Shakhbut Bin Sultan Al Nahyan (1)
  • Suggestion by the Ruler of Kuwait Sheikh Abdulla Al Salem Al Sabah that Halul could be shared between Abu Dhabi and Qatar (2)
  • Suggestion that the Registrar to HBM Court in Kuwait Ahmad Hejazi should collect evidence from both sides to submit for arbitration (3-4)
  • Problem of getting the Rulers of Abu Dhabi and Qatar to agree to the proposed arbitration process. Sheikh Shakhbut, in particular, argues that his dispute is not with the Ruler of Qatar but with the oil companies operating on Halul. It contains copies of a letter sent to Sheikh Shakhbut and an account of his response to receiving it (5-7)