Dispute between Saudi Arabia and UK over Buraimi part of frontier between Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia

FO 371/126926 1957

This file contains:

  • Cuttings of articles from the News Chronicle and The Times regarding the Buraimi dispute (26)
  • Brief on the Iraqi offer of help to promote a settlement between HMG and Saudi Arabia over Buraimi (27)
  • List of document numbers regarding Buraimi and a request for copies of English translations that are absent from the set of documents held at the Political Residency in Bahrain (28)
  • Details of a parliamentary question regarding the British policy towards Buraimi and the answer provided (30)
  • Correspondence relating to the suggestion, put forward by the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows for a basis upon which to negotiate with Saudi Arabia over Buraimi (29)
  • Reports of meetings with Frederick Sidney Cotton, along with copies of letters from Cotton and notes produced by Cotton on Saudi Arabia (31)
  • Note of protest from the Saudi Arabian Government on British action in the Buraimi area, along with comments on the protest and a response from Britain (33)
  • Report of a comment made by the Saudi Ambassador to Syria, that King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud is determined to remove British forces from Buraimi (32)
  • Enquiry from the US regarding the Saudi protest against British activities in Buraimi (34)
  • Correspondence regarding the Saudi protest, which has been circulated widely and a suggestion that Britain should circulate more copies of its response to the protest (35)
  • Correspondence regarding missing documents that were lent by the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur (36, 44)
  • British reply to the Saudi protest on Buraimi (37)
  • Correspondence regarding the circulation of the Saudi protest to member states of the UN and the preparation of a reply (38, 43)
  • Comments on the possibility that the Buraimi dispute will be submitted to the International Court of Justice (39)
  • Correspondence with Cotton regarding arranging a settlement with Saudi Arabia over Buraimi. It also contains correspondence about Cotton and his suitability as a mediator (40-42)
  • Note by the War Office on 'The Political, Strategic and Economic Importance of Buraimi' (45)
  • Correspondence regarding Cotton's request for a meeting with the Under-Secretary of State for War Julian Amery (46)