Dispute between Saudi Arabia and UK over Buraimi part of frontier between Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia

FO 371/126925 1957

This file contains:

  • Paper entitled 'Problems of common interest in Buraimi Oasis and suggestions of their disposal', along with a report of discussions with Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan (1)
  • Summary of a discussion with Azzam Pasha regarding Buraimi, along with comments and responses (2)
  • Correspondence relating to the possibility of a meeting between Allan Noble, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and Harry F Kern, the founder of the reporting service Foreign Reports, regarding Buraimi (3)
  • Letter from the Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Ivone Kirkpatrick to British Ambassador to the US Harold Caccia regarding the US position on Buraimi (4)
  • Correspondence from a scholar of Arabic and Islam Joseph Schacht regarding the Islamic zakat tax, in relation to the Buraimi dispute (5)
  • Letter sent to F R Barratt in Karachi, regarding recent developments with the situation in Buraimi (6)
  • Instructions to the Commonwealth high commissioners to keep the Commonwealth Governments informed about developments in Buraimi, in case it is taken by Saudi Arabia to the UN Security Council. It also contains an update, sent to the high commissioners, on the US attitude towards Buraimi (7)
  • Offer from the Lebanese Foreign Minister Charles Malik to help in bringing about a settlement in Buraimi (8, 11)
  • Request for the return of documents belonging to the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur (9, 19)
  • Suggestion from Harry F Kern that dealing with the Buraimi situation be given a lower priority than strengthening the position of King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (10)
  • Details of a parliamentary question regarding the situation in Buraimi and of the answer provided (12)
  • Correspondence regarding two Saudi Arabian pamphlets [not enclosed] about the Buraimi dispute (13)
  • Correspondence regarding an article, 'New talks on Buraimi?' [enclosed], written by Patrick Maitland and published by the Fleet Street Letter (14)
  • Report that the US Secretary of State J F Dulles is keen for an Anglo-Saudi agreement on Buraimi to be achieved (15)
  • Further evidence suggesting the importance of the Buraimi question to Saudi Arabia (16)
  • Excerpts from a broadcast on Voice of the Arabs regarding Buraimi (17)
  • Correspondence regarding an offer from the Prime Minister of Iraq Nuri Pasha Al Said to speak to King Saud about Buraimi, during the latter's visit to Iraq (18)
  • Letter from the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows suggesting a new approach to resolving the Buraimi dispute. It also contains comments and responses to Burrows' letter (20)
  • Proposed responses to the President of Lebanon Camille Chamoun and to Frederick Sidney Cotton, in response to enquiries about Buraimi (21)
  • Report by the Political Officer at Abu Dhabi M S Buckmaster of his visits to Buraimi, along with comments and responses to the report (22)
  • Request from Harry F Kern for a meeting with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Selwyn Lloyd (23)
  • Suggestion by Selwyn Lloyd of the lines on which a settlement with Saudi Arabia over Buraimi could be proposed, along with responses and comments (24)
  • Proposal by King Saud for Iraq to act as a mediator in the Buraimi dispute (25)