Political relations between states in Persian Gulf and UK: UK policy

FO 371/126915 1957

This file contains:

  • Report assessing the position of the UK in the Gulf and the situations of the individual Gulf states (1)
  • Despatch written by B A B Burrows, Political Agent in the Persian Gulf, on the UK position in the Gulf (2)
  • Summary of comments by the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Air Force on the strategic importance of the British military presence in the Gulf (3)
  • Details of two parliamentary questions asked by W N Warbey on the British relationship with the Gulf and the answers given to the questions (4-5)
  • Brief on the Gulf states prepared in advance of the Bermuda Conference (6)
  • Correspondence regarding the situation in Syria and Jordan (7)
  • Correspondence regarding a collection of early papers [not enclosed] on UK policy in the Gulf (8)
  • Request for the preparation of a draft cabinet paper for a discussion on British policy in the Gulf (9)
  • Annexes to a Cabinet paper, on UK policy in the Gulf, prepared for the Middle East Official Committee (10)
  • Foreign Office minute on the future of UK policy in the Gulf, along with notes and responses (11)
  • Paper entitled 'The Arabian Coast of the Persian Gulf', along with an addendum, produced by the Conservative Commonwealth Council (12)
  • Correspondence regarding an article from the New York Times [transcript enclosed] titled 'Myopic Policy on Arabia's Fringe' (13)
  • Correspondence regarding the threat to the British position in the Gulf through propaganda from abroad, with a suggestion that Iraqi propaganda might help to counter that of Egypt (14)