EASTERN DEPARTMENT EA 1039312 ARABIA FROM IRAQI interest in the Future of the Persian Gulf. Mr.R.A. Beaumont, Bagdad to Sir W. Hayter. No. 1073/17/577 Analyses reasons for Iraqi preoccupation with Gulf affairs arising from Syrian menace, and discusses their desire for UK to reach agreement with KING SAUD. Dated August 23 Received in August 20 Registry References to former relevant papers MINUTES EA 1033412 EA 1015273 In this letter Mr. Beaumont discusses the reasons for increased Iraqi interest in the future of the Persian Gulf. These may be summarised as follows: (i) fear that disputes between H.M. Government and King Saud over Persian Gulf problems may weaken the developing anti-Communist front in the Arab States; (Print) (ii) fear that the same disputes nay endanger their alternative route for exporting oil in the event of further Syrian interference with the pipe lines from Kirkuk: (How disposed of) (iii) the belief that present British position in the Persian Gulf States is an anomaly, having lost its raison d'être with the disappearance of the British Indian Empire and that in any event this position cannot last unchanged in the present-day Nationalist Middle East and that in these circum stances Iraq ought to work with H.M. Government towards a revised political set-up in the Persian Gulf States, a set-up which would have the concurrence of King Saud. 2. It is for the Levant Department to say whether we could and should take the present Irag Government into our confidence in discussing the future of the Persian Gulf States, in the way that we are doing with the Americans in the present talks about the area. II. however, the Iraqis themselves are going to take the initiative in raising this subject, we should I think take the opportunity to stress again the following points: (i) that we have no intention of relinquishing our 209 responsibilities in these States; (Action completed) (Index) (ii) that within the framework of our existing Treaties with these States we welcome increased Tragi interest and activity there; References to later relevant papers (iii) that it is for the Iraqis themselves to remove any suspicion of their intentions which may be harboured, for example, in Kuwait. 49724 ، و ا