Political relations between Muscat and Oman and Saudi Arabia
FO 371/126908 1957Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Proposed topics of discussion for a meeting between King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur (1)
- Plans for arranging a meeting between King Saud and the Sultan (2)
- Discovery of American weapons in Oman and the question of whether they are being supplied by Saudi Arabia to the Omani rebels. It also contains information regarding the whereabouts of Ghalib Al Hina'i and Taleb Al Hina'i (3)
- Further discussions about the possibility that Saudi Araba or Egypt are assisting the Omani rebels (5)
- Discussions with the US regarding a proposed meeting between King Saud and the Sultan and the need more generally to maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia (6, 9, 15, 21, 27)
- Parliamentary question and transcripts of parliamentary debates, both relating to the situation in Oman (7)
- Report that boats have been sold to Saudi merchants who were in contact with Taleb Al Hina'i (8)
- Report of a discussion with the unofficial Saudi representative in Bahrain, regarding the situation in Oman (10)
- Denial from King Saud that Saudi Arabia has supplied arms to the rebels in Oman (11)
- Views of Frederick Sidney Cotton regarding the Saudi attitude to events in Oman (12)
- Information from the US regarding the American weapons found in Oman and the various countries these could have been received from. The need for more reliable evidence showing that the rebels have received outside assistance (13)
- Suggestion that Sudan might mediate between King Saud and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman (14)
- Report of an approach to the Turkish Government requesting them to send a message on behalf of HMG to King Saud (16)
- Brief for a talk between the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and J F Dulles (17)
- Concerns about future relations between Muscat and Saudi Arabia in light of the alleged Saudi assistance for the Omani rebels (19-20, 23-24, 34)
- Plan to let press correspondents see some of the captured equipment in Oman (22)
- Public statement regarding the American origin of weapons found in Oman (25)
- Question of whether American Arabian Oil Company (ARAMCO) are acting to exacerbate tensions between Saudi Arabia and the UK (26, 32)
- Suggestion that Iraq might mediate between King Saud and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman (28-29)
- Copies of rebel correspondence and originals and translations of pro-rebel pamphlets, including some issued by the Imamate Office in Cairo. It also contains comments on and responses to these documents (31)
- Danger of Saudi aircraft supplied by Egypt attacking villages in Oman (33)