Internal political situation in Bahrain
FO 371/126894 1957This file contains correspondence and documents relating to the arrest, trial and sentencing of Bahraini detainees. It includes an account of events, written by Political Agent in Bahrain C A Gault; the Bahrain (Removal of Prisoners) Order, 1956; the Prisoners Removal (Bahrain and St Helena) Order, 1956; a request from the Ruler of Bahrain Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa to the Queen of Britain for permission to move prisoners to St Helena; a warrant to the Captain of HMS Lock Insh to convey the three detainees to St Helena; an agreement between the Ruler of Bahrain and the Governor of St Helena, for the removal of the detainees to St Helena for the period of their imprisonment; summary of the proceedings against the five members of the Committee of National Union before a special tribunal; personal papers belonging to the detainees, as well as public proclamations produced by the Committee of National Union; cuttings of newspaper articles about the riots in Bahrain (17).