Internal political situation in Bahrain

FO 371/126893 1957

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Deportation of three detainees from Bahrain to St Helena and the question of when to inform journalists of the final destination of the deportees. It includes a copy of 'The Prisoners Removal (Bahrain and St Helena) Order, 1956' (1-3)
  • Report regarding threatened strike action in protest at the conviction of five members of the former Committee of National Union (4)
  • Claims for compensation from British companies following riots in November 1956 (5, 15)
  • Revealing of the destination of HMS Loch Insh, carrying the three detainees, to The Times, who subsequently published the details (6)
  • Letter from John Belgrave, covering a variety of issues to do with the Government of Bahrain, and in particular to do with the Public Relations Department (7)
  • Details regarding the arrival of the deportees in St Helena; arrangements for their detainment; publicity regarding the deportation arrangements and in particular what it shows about the extent of British jurisdiction in Bahrain (8-9, 11-12, 16)
  • Reply to a parliamentary question about the recent plot to assassinate the British Resident in Bahrain and the Ruler of Bahrain Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa (13)
  • Summary of a conversation between J R Cummins and D M H Riches concerning administrative reform and public security in Bahrain (14)