Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman

FO 371/126889 1957

This file contains:

  • Summary of a discussion between the UK Ambassador to Sweden J N O Curle and the Political Director of the Swedish Foreign Ministry, regarding the Swedish attitude to the Oman question at the UN (402)
  • Note regarding the sending of situation reports about Oman to the Foreign Office (403)
  • Details of a new plan to capture the rebel leaders, and the question of whether to involve the RAF (405)
  • Correspondence discussing whether the earlier assistance provided by the RAF to Iraq provides a precedent for the recent RAF involvement in Oman (406)
  • Note on developments in Oman since 25 August (407)
  • Instructions for the blockade on the approaches to and exits from Jebel Akhdar to continue and the need to round up the remaining rebels soon (408)
  • Details of plans for patrol action against the rebels and the question of whether to permit air support in light of the need to avoid publicity that might cause the Oman question to be taken up again at the UN (409)
  • Confidential note on the Treaty of Sib [Seeb] and a letter from Ronald Wingate commenting on the agreement's significance and present-day status, along with notes and responses. It also contains the text of the speech given by Pierson Dixon to the UN on 20 August 1957 and the Daily News Bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Limited for 16 October 1957 (410)
  • Suggestion that the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur might be able to learn from the Iraqi experience of pacifying, settling and administering tribes in the interior. It includes two papers on this topic (411)
  • Letter from Ronald Wingate on the situation in Oman, It also contains a report of a discussion between F C L Chauncy, the UK Consul General in Muscat and the US Consul General, on their nations' respective attitudes towards the Oman question (412)
  • Reports on the treatment of the Oman question at the UN, including the activities of Head of the Omani Imamate Office in Cairo Mohammad Bin Hamad Al Harithi in seeking to persuade delegates to raise the Oman question in the General Assembly (414)
  • Report of air assistance provided to troops operating against rebels in Rostaq [Rustaq] (415)
  • Correspondence regarding the attitude of the US State Department towards the Oman question at the UN (416)
  • Message regarding the visit of the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Land Forces to Nairobi, with instructions that references to Oman and the Gulf should be avoided in press releases about the visit (417)
  • Report that Mohammad Bin Hamad Al Harthi has addressed a letter to the UN Secretary General, requesting a meeting of the Security Council. It also contains the text of a press release by the Arab Information Centre, regarding this action (418)
  • Report on the progress of recent patrols in Jebel Akhdar (419)
  • Report of a discussion with the Permanent Undersecretary at the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister relating to the instructions they will send to their delegate at the UN regarding the subject of Oman (420)
  • Report stating that the opposition of Libya to the inscription of the Oman item remains unchanged (421)
  • Correspondence regarding a report that Omani Sheikhs had neogtiated oil concession agreements with two American oil men, on the assumption that the British relationship with Oman would soon be at an end (422)
  • Ministry of Defence situation reports, covering the operations in Oman during the period 26 September to 9 October (423)
  • Extract from a speech given by the Jordanian representative at the UN Dr Haikal in which he mentioned 'political difficulties' in Oman and 'foreign ambitions to dominate these Arab parts of the world', along with reactions to the speech (424)
  • Copy of a letter from the Sultan of Muscat and Oman, thanking HMG for their assistance during the rebellion (425)
  • Correspondence regarding a report on Cairo Radio that the Deputy to the Imam of Oman Sheikh Saleh Bin Isa Al Harthi has alleged that Britain has used germ warfare in Oman, and called for the UN to send a commission of enquiry to Oman (426)
  • Request for guidance in dealing with press questions as to what British and British-controlled troops are still located in Oman (427)
  • Text of a letter sent by the representative of the Imam of Oman to the UN Secretary General (428)
  • Correspondence regarding talks between the UK and US delegations to the UN, regarding the situation in Oman (429)