Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman

FO 371/126888 1957

This file contains:

  • Reports on the whereabouts of the rebel leaders (381-382)
  • Comments on the US attitude towards the British use of force in Oman (383)
  • Correspondence regarding the proposed suspension of the use of the RAF to support the operations aimed at capturing the rebel leaders (384)
  • Report of a visit by Deputy to the Imam of Oman Sheikh Saleh Bin Isa Al Harthi and Head of the Omani Imamate Office in Cairo Mohammad Bin Hamad Al Harthi to the US Ambassador in Egypt. Mohammad Al Harthi is planning to visit the US, in order to present the case of the Imamate of Oman to the UN (385)
  • Copies of the passport application forms of Taleb Al Hina'i, Saleh Bin Isa Al Harthi, Mohammad Bin Hamad Al Harthi, Hamad Bin Sulaiman Al Harthi and Sultan Bin Sulaiman Al Nabhani, along with translations and related correspondence. The applications declare the holders to be subjects of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman and may be used in the discussion on Oman at the UN (389)
  • Report that rebel agent Yusef Nufti managed to evade the blockade and to get into Jebel Akhdar with money (390)
  • Summary of a discussion between the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and J F Dulles, regarding how the US will vote on the inscription of the Oman item on the agenda of the UN General Assembly (391)
  • Summary of comments made by the Undersecretary of State in the Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yusef Gailani regarding the need for the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur to take more initiative in presenting his case on the international stage and not to leave it to the UK (392)
  • Report by the Chief of Staff of the Muscat Armed Forces Colonel P R M Waterfield on the Kumah Patrol. It includes a sketch map (393)
  • Report on the operations in central Oman by B A B Burrows, with a chronology of events from 20 June to 20 August (394)
  • Summary of the results of leaflet dropping during the operations in Oman. It includes a timetable showing the dates on which various leaflets were dropped, along with the nature of the leaflet, along with copies and translations of several of the leaflets (395)
  • Descriptions of routes that might be used by troops operating around Jebel Akhdar (396)
  • Translations of the statements of the Head of the Beni Hinah tribe Mahmoud Bin Zahir Bin Ghisin Al Hina'i and Ahmad Bin Abdulla Bin Hilal Al Hina'i, produced during interrogation. It also includes a description of a route from Tanuf to Muti (397)
  • Report of a tour being planned by Sheikh Saleh Bin Isa Al Harithi to the Arab States, in order to inform Arab Governments about developments in Oman (398)
  • Report and a list of demolitions carried out in Oman by the Corps of Royal Engineers (399)
  • Description of a discussion between the UK Ambassador in Rabat and the Prime Minister of Morocco regarding the raising of the Oman question at the UN (400)
  • Press cutting from the the Glasgow Herald which mentions a letter from 1956 in which President Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt sent his best wishes to the Imam of Oman in his efforts to attain independence. It also contains comments on the potential significance of this letter (401)