Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman

FO 371/126887 1957

This file contains:

  • Reports of information received from Jordan and Libya regarding the outcome of an Arab League Council Meeting discussion on Oman. It also contains instructions sent to UK Ambassadors in Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia for discussion of the Oman question with local officials, along with responses (361)
  • Photostatic copies of the Arabic text of the Treaty of Sib [Seeb] and of an agreement, concluded just prior to the Treaty of Seeb, between the Sultan of Muscat and Oman and the leading Sheikhs of the Beni Jabir tribe. It also contains translations of the texts (362)
  • Replies from UK Ambassadors in Sweden, Finland and Denmark to a telegram containing instructions for approaching local officials regarding the Oman question (363)
  • Report by F C L Chauncy, the Consul General in Muscat, of the ongoing search for the rebel leaders in Oman (364)
  • Correspondence with Sir Hartley Shawcross, the UK member of the International Commission of Jurists, who is requesting assistance with arguments he could deploy to distinguish between Hungary and Oman. It also contains two papers: 'Hungary, Oman, and the question of intervention' and 'Status of Oman', along with copies of a document in Arabic (365)
  • Summary of documents found in the house of Sulaiman Bin Himyar and included copies and translations of some of these documents. It also includes information about Bakshi Ali Khashaba of the Egyptian Embassy in Jeddah, who is mentioned in one of the documents (366)
  • Statement made by Dr Zakiuddin about his experiences in Nizwa during its occupation by the rebels (367)
  • Report of an incident involving the Beni Kalban tribe, a list of rifles taken from prisoners and reports on recent happenings in Jebel Akhdar, all produced by by Major K R Coates of the Northern Frontier Regiment of the Sultan's Armed Forces (SAF) (368)
  • Comment on the Philippines' vote in the UN Security Council in favour of inscription of the item on Oman (369)
  • Aide memoire from the Iraqi government explaining to HMG its actions with regard to the discussion of the Oman question at the UN (370)
  • Summary of a discussion with Ronald Wingate, who was the UK Consul in Muscat when the Treaty of Seeb was made (371)
  • Suggestion that an expression of gratitude be made to the Iraqi Acting Foreign Minister for the position adopted by Iraq in the Arab League meeting in which Oman was discussed (372)
  • Correspondence relating to the historical relation of the Imamate of Oman to the Sultanate, particularly in regard to oil concessions and the issuing of passports (373)
  • Report on the progress of the operation to track down the rebel leadership in Oman (374)
  • Request from the UK High Commissioner in Delhi for a copy of the Arabic text of the Treaty of Seeb (375)
  • Situation reports on the operation in Oman, covering 4-25 September (376)
  • Correspondence regarding the Colombian vote on the Oman question at the Security Council meeting (377)
  • Translation of a letter from the Imam of Oman Ghalib Al Hina'i regarding the self-determination of the people of Oman (378)
  • Correspondence relating to the ending of RAF support for army patrols (379)
  • Correspondence relating to passport applications from Taleb Al Hina'i, Saleh Bin Isa Al Harthi, Hamad Bin Sulaiman Al Harthi, Mohammad Bin Hamad Al Harthi and Sultan Bin Sulaiman Al Nabhani, in which they declared themselves to be subjects of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman and the possible use of this material in discussions on Oman at the UN. It includes translations of these applications (380)