Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman
FO 371/126886 1957Description
This file contains:
- Report of discussions with the Iraqi Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs regarding the instructions he has sent to the Iraqi delegation to the Arab League Political Committee, for the discussion on Oman (335)
- Brief, titled 'Agreement of Sib [Seeb]: Historical Background, Significance and Present Status', prepared for the UK delegation to the UN (336)
- Correspondence regarding the types of ammunition that have been captured from the rebels in Oman, including details of the markings found on the ammunition, and suggestions as to how they reached Oman (337)
- Plans for an operation on rebel hideouts at Saiq and Sharaijah, including the use of RAF air support (338)
- Summary of two press reports in Sudan, regarding the Prime Minister of Sudan's view on the raising of the Oman case to the UN Security Council (339)
- Summary of a discussion with the Political Director at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Sweden, regarding the Swedish attitude towards the Oman question at the UN (340)
- Summary of discussions with the Jordanian Minister and Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regarding the situation in Oman (341)
- Draft telegram, prepared in anticipation of a request being made to the Secretary General to inscribe an item on Oman on the UN General Assembly's agenda. The telegram is intended to form a basis for British Ambassadors to make representations to the Governments to which they are accredited. A list of these Governments is also included. (342)
- Summary of discussions with officials at the Moroccan Minister for Foreign Affairs and with Crown Prince Moulay Hasan, regarding the attitude of Morocco towards the Oman question at the UN (343-344)
- Ministry of Defence situation reports, covering the situation in Oman for the period 28 August to 10 September (345)
- Summary of a report from Egypt stating that the Imam of Oman Ghalib Al Hina'i has taken control of Nizwa (346)
- Request from Eric Errington MP for advice in responding to a letter from one of his constituents relating to the situation in Oman, along with replies (347)
- Statements of three prisoners captured at Nizwa, along with related correspondence (348)
- Report of papers found in the house of Sulaiman Bin Himyar, in which he claims authority over the same area claimed by the Imam of Oman (349)
- Report on the whereabouts of Ghalib Al Hina'i, Taleb Al Hina'i and Sulaiman Bin Himyar. Ghalib and Sulaiman are said to be in Jebel Akhdar, while Taleb is reported to have escaped by sea (350)
- Corresponence regarding the US view on the Oman question at the UN (351)
- Request for a copy of the authentic Arabic text of the Treaty of Seeb (352)
- Report of the press and government reaction in Indonesia to the situation in Oman, including the text of a parliamentary resolution (353)
- Notes and correspondence regarding a proposal for further RAF involvement in Oman (354)
- Report on Royal Navy activites during the operation in Oman and particularly the partrolling of frigates in the Gulf (355)
- Summary of a discussion with the Libyan Prime Minister regarding his country's approach to the Oman question in the UN (356)
- Reports on the Arab League meeting of 3 September and its discussion of Oman (357)
- Report of a discussion between the Sudanese Ambassador in Washington DC and Mr Berry of the State Department, regarding Oman (358)
- Press cutting of an article from The Times by Sir Hartley Shawcross, dated 3 March 1957 and cuttings of letters to the editor responding to the article. The article addresses the situation in Hungary, but some of the letters apply the legal principles it expounds to question the legitimacy of the British intervention in Oman. It also contains notes and responses discussing how to refute the argument, as it has been quoted in discussions at the UN (359)
- Correspondence regarding plans for further operations in Oman (360)