Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman
FO 371/126884 1957Description
This file contains:
- Prime Minister's personal minute, asking the Foreign Secretary when it would be appropriate to declare the revolt in Oman at an end (274)
- Report of an item on the African News Service in which a high ministerial source from the Sudan Government is said to have made critical remarks about the letter on Oman sent by Arab States to the UN Security Council (275)
- Report of a claim made by Cairo Radio that the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur has sent a message to the Imam of Oman Ghalib Al Hina'i, asking for peace negotiations (276)
- Translation of a leaflet distributed in Oman seeking the whereabouts of the rebel leaders, along with related correspondence (277)
- Plans for the complete demolition of certain fortified buildings in Oman that were targeted in earlier RAF strikes (278)
- Text of a message from the Sultan to the Commander of the British Forces, Arabian Peninsula, thanking him for the support provided (279)
- Correspondence regarding news reports in Egypt stating that fighting in Oman is continuing and the preparation of a statement to counter this, declaring that the uprising has ceased and giving the true casualty figures (280)
- Proposals for future British command arrangements in Oman (281)
- Text of two speeches given by UK delegation to the UN member P J Dixon to the Security Council on 20 August 1957 (282)
- Correspondence regarding the result of the Security Council debate on Oman, including messages sent to France, Columbia and Cuba, thanking their representatives for support (283)
- Decision of the UK delegation not to seek an adjournment and to allow the vote to go ahead the same day as the debate (284)
- Report that the Minister of the Interior of the Sultanate has completed the occupation of the southern face of Jebel Akhdar. It also contains suggestions as to the whereabouts of the rebel leaders (285)
- Request by the British Embassy in Sudan for a copy of the Treaty of Sib [Seeb], in order to satisfy enquiries being made by the Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs (286)
- Report suggesting that Egypt was planning to raise the question of Oman at the UN General Assembly (287)
- Text of a speech given by H C Lodge of the US delegation to the UN at the Security Council on 20 August 1957 (288)
- Summary of correspondence with Australia, prior to the debate on Oman at the Security Council (289)
- Guidance sent to former British Consul at Muscat Ronald Wingate, who negotiated the Treaty of Seeb, on how to deal with press enquiries, along with related correspondence (290)
- Correspondence with British Ambassador to Poland Eric Berthoud, who is seeking guidance as to how to answer those who question the legality of the British involvement in Oman (291)
- Report on the efforts of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman to find and capture the rebel leaders and details of medical supplies used to treat casualties (293-294)
- Report of a conversation with the Moroccan Acting Foreign Minister regarding Morocco's action in relation to the Oman item in the Security Council (295)
- Summary of the Security Council meeting on Oman on 20 August (296)
- Paper titled 'Oman and the Security Council', providing a summary of the main legal arguments against inscription, prepared by Gerald Fitzmaurice and used in the drafting of a message to J F Dulles (297)
- Report of a conversation with the US State Department regarding plans for ensuring the Sultan's control over inner Oman is maintained (298)
- Report that the Trucial Oman Scouts are due to leave Muscat, and a request for a reply to proposals made for future arrangement (299)
- Report of a statement made by Sheikh Saleh Bin Isa Al Harthi that the rebels still occupy Nizwa and the British have not withdrawn (300)
- Correspondence regarding the ongoing efforts to find the rebel leaders and the use of further RAF air strikes to this end (301)
- Report on the number of civilian casualties and notification that there is no need for further medical supplies (302)
- Messages from the US State Department, advising that the Sultan improve his relations with the Omani tribes and that the British strengthen the Sultan's military forces and from the US Ambassador to North Yemen George Wadsworth warning of possible repercussions of the British action in Oman (304)
- Requests from Anthony Wedgwood Benn MP and Norman N Dodds MP to view the text of the Treaty of Seeb, along with replies and related correspondence (305)
- Letter from Dixon, providing his reflections and recommendations coming out of the Oman discussion in the Security Council, along with notes and responses to Dixon's letter (306)
- Paper entitled 'The British-Omanite Conflict', published by the Arab Information Centre, along with notes and responses (307)