Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman
FO 371/126883 1957Description
This file contains:
- Expressions of congratulations on the successful outcome of the operation in Oman, including from the Prime Minister (242)
- Correspondence regarding the prisoners being held in Muscat and suggestions as to the whereabouts of rebel leaders (243)
- Plans for the withdrawal of British forces from Oman (244)
- Text of a letter sent by Arab representatives to the President of the UN Security Council, regarding Oman (245)
- Correspondence with the US regarding the latter's intention to abstain on the vote on the inscription of the Oman item on the Security Council agenda (246-247)
- Approach to Sweden to oppose inscription (248)
- Letter from J Heyworth-Dunne to the Home Secretary, regarding the situation in Oman (249)
- Purported translation of the Treaty of Sib [Seeb], along with related correspondence (250)
- Two press cuttings from the New York Times, dated 11 and 13 August 1957. The first discusses the Treaty of Seeb and the second provides an English text of the treaty. It also contains a booklet circulated by the Imamate Office in Cairo about the Treaty of Seeb, along with related correspondence (251)
- Proposed text of a telegram to be sent by the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur to the President of the UN Security Council (252)
- Report of a conversation with the Lebanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, who said that Lebanon had decided to support the joint Arab action in the UN regarding Oman, but that he thought it would be deemed sufficient to table a request, rather than call for a special meeting (253)
- Report that a meeting has been requested and arranged for Tuesday at 10.30am (254)
- Correspondence regarding the Swedish position on the vote on the inscription of the Oman item on the Security Council agenda (255)
- Intention of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman to send a telegram to the President of the Security Council protesting the Arab League letter and a suggestion that he also send telegrams to the Arab Governments who signed the letter (256)
- Report from a press briefing on the withdrawal of British forces from central Oman (257)
- Correspondence regarding the Libyan attitude towards the decision of the Arab States to refer the Oman question to a Security Council meeting (258)
- Contention of the Prime Minister that the press had taken an unhelpful attitude towards the operation in Oman and his intention to talk to the editor of the Sunday Times to see if a more balanced article about events could be published. It also contains a cutting of an article from the Sunday Times, dated 18 August 1957 and titled 'Little War' (259)
- Views of Nuri Pasha on the actions of the Arab States in referring the question of Oman to the Security Council (260)
- Report of the statement of Ahmad al Shuqairi, the Saudi Arabian Minister of State for the UN, regarding the discussion of Oman by the UN (261)
- Refusal of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman to send telegrams of protest to the Arab States who have referred Oman to the Security Council (262)
- Potential effects of a US abstention in the Oman vote at the UN on Oman-Saudi relations (263)
- Paper entitled 'Background to the troubles in Oman' (264)
- Instructions to UK representatives in Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco to protest to the Governments to which they are accredited against the terms of the letter on Oman sent to the President of the Security Council. It also contains reports from each of these representatives on the responses of government officials to this protest (265)
- Report of the support of the Netherlands for how Britain handled the situation in Oman (266)
- Press cutting of an article from the Washington Post regarding the situation in Oman (267)
- Report of a discussion with the Tunisian Acting Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Tunisia's attitude towards the Oman question in the UN (268)
- Hope that disagreement between the UK and the US over how to handle the Oman question in the UN will not be portrayed as a clash by the press (269)
- Correspondence relating to American intentions at the Security Council meeting on Oman (270, 272)
- Update on the process of the withdrawal of British troops from Oman (271)
- Reports of discussions with Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia regarding the contents of the letter on Oman sent by the Arab States to the Security Council and the possible steps they could take to rectify the situation (272)