Internal political situation in Muscat and Oman
FO 371/126882 1957Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Need for air strikes to tackle enemy positions encountered near Izki, and the inaccuracy of BBC reports stating that Izki has already fallen (210)
- The Sultan of Morocco's expression of anxiety regarding the British action in Oman, and the suggestion that the Sultan of Morocco might use his influence to persuade the Imam of Oman Ghalib Al Hina'i to submit to the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur (211)
- Reports summarising the action against Firq, and its eventual capture (212)
- Reports given to officials in Lebanon, Jordan and Sudan regarding the situation in Oman, and their responses to these reports (213)
- Visit by the Consul General F C L Chauncy to the tribal forces encamped in Samail (215)
- Proposed visit of the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf to Muscat to discuss with Sultan Saeed Bin Taimur the next stage of the operation (216)
- Plans for the next stage of the operation, including the continued use of the RAF (217)
- Report that the Chinese ambassador in Cairo has communicated the Chinese people's sympathy to the Imam of Oman's representative and said that he will forward to the Government of China the Arab League memo asking the Bandung powers to support the Omani people (218)
- Withdrawal of rebel forces from Nizwa and updates from other sites of conflict (219)
- Suggestion that further companies of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry should be transfered from Kenya to the Gulf in order to ensure a swift resolution to the operation in Oman (220)
- Reports to be sent to the US regarding the progress of the operation in Oman (221)
- Discussions about the next phase of the operation, including proposed air strikes, the beginning of the withdrawal of British forces and measures to strengthen local forces (222)
- Intention of the Arab States to raise the question of Oman for discussion by the UN Security Council, and the efforts of the UK to prevent this. It includes material gathered in preparation for such a discussion, relating to the historical status of the Imamate of Oman, and the British relationship with the Sultan. It also includes details of discussions with other states, including Libya, Iraq, Sudan and Jordan, who Britain hope to persuade to support their position (223-229)
- Message sent to the Political Resident in Zanzibar by the Arab community in Zanzibar, asking for a request to be forwarded to the Sultan of Muscat and Oman to receive a delegation of Zanzibar Arabs. The Zanzibar Arabs hope to mediate between the Sultan and the Imam of Oman. It also includes a newspaper cutting from The Times on this topic (230)
- Situation reports for 14-18 August on the operations in Oman (231)
- Report of the arrival of the Minister of the Interior of the Sultanate in Nizwa (232)
- Translation of a statement released by the authority of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman announcing the end of the uprising (233-234)
- Requests for the text of the Treaty of Sib [Seeb] to be published. It includes a cutting of an article from the Manchester Guardian published on 7 August 1957 (235)
- Correspondence from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressing support for the British position regarding Oman at the UN (236)
- Attempts to persuade the Sultan to send a telegram to the UN rejecting their right to intervene in the situation in Oman (237)
- Question of whether there is any evidence of any state ever having recognised a country independent from Muscat as Oman (238)
- Potential dates for the possible UN Security Council meeting on Oman (239)
- Comments on the helpful attitude of the US during the operations in Oman (241)