Handover of Khor Kuwai naval base to Muscat authorities
FO 371/120635 1956Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Abandonment of Khor Kuwai naval base because it is only required for global war and not cold or limited war. Views of Consul General requested on most suitable way of informing the Sultan, so that HMS Loch Fyne can adhere to programme for removing caretaker and equipment to Bahrain (1)
- Letter thanking the Sultan and informing him that the base is no longer needed (2)
- Instruction that the navy do not remove the caretaker or abandon the base until the Sultan's reply has been received (3)
- The Sultan's agreement to take over the base and to allow the Royal Navy to visit Khor Kuwai without warning. Withdrawal from base will not be publicised (4)
- Confirmation that Khor Kuwai was handed over to the Muscat authorities on 26 September 1956 and an account of the handover ceremony (5)
- The Sultan's willingness to take over the buildings and installations as they are (6)