Frontiers between Arabia and Saudi Arabia p.70

FO 371/120603 1956
The Civil Service Law.*

Law for the Accession of 'Iraq to the Pact for the Renuncia tion of War signed at Paris, 27th August, 1928.

“Our Government is endeavouring to minimize the evils of
this crisis by all possible means, and will endeavour to redu
expenditure even further than it was reduced during the pasu
year, while still maintaining the essential public services of the
State. The principle of doing the more important works first
will be applied to the execution of the programme of capital
works and they will do their utmost to assist the farmers and
peasants and to encourage them and also to encourage local
industries and crafts. I sincerely hope that a balanced budget
will be presented to you in spite of all existing difficulties.

“Our Government have given especial attention to labour
conditions and recently despatched a deputation to visit the
International Labour Organization at Geneva. A bill for the
protection of the interests of workers and for the elevation of
their material and moral conditions will be prepared and our
Government hope to present this to you together with other
measures concerned with improvement of economic and social
conditions in the country.
“The number of students to be sent abroad this year with

scholarships is greater than that of last year.
students have been sent to various foreign universities. It is
also the intention of the Government to send abroad students to
study necessary and useful crafts.

“Our Government have invited a group of well-known
experts in education to inspect the education of this country
from every aspect and to make proposals concerning the im provement of its organization and of the curriculum of studies
followed in the schools. These gentlemen are expected to
arrive quite soon.

“I am confident that you will deal with all business that
comes before you with care and wisdom and in conclusion I

pray Almighty God to grant you success in your labours."
In the Senate Saiyid Muhammad al Sadr was re-elected President
and in the Chamber Ja'far Pasha al Askari was elected to the Chair
in place of Jamil Beg al Madfa'i, the latter refusing to stand for re election on account of his difference with Nuri Pasha regarding
Muzahim Beg's handling of the strike situation during the summer.
This difference was, however, soon adjusted and on 30th November
Jamil Beg was re-elected President of the Chamber and Ja'far Pasha
returned to the Cabinet.

On 15th December Parliament was adjourned for thirty days by
Royal Iradah.

The following were the principal Bills passed before the adjourn ment : 
Law for the Redemption of the Loan for the F&o Far Dredg ing Scheme.

Law Amending the Currency Law 1931.
Law Establishing a Baghdad District Water Board.

8.-Ministerial Changes.
At the beginning of 1931 the composition of Nuri Pasha's Cabinet
was as follows:

Nuri Pasha al Sa'id, Prime Minister and Minister for the

Dr. Abdullah al Damluji, Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Rustam Beg al Haidar, Minister for Finance.
Jamal Beg Baban, Minister for Justice.
Jamil Rawi, Minister for Defence.
Muzahim Beg al Pachachi, Minister for Economics and

Abdul Husain Chalabi, Minister for Education.
The following changes occurred during the year : 
Muzahim Beg al Pachachi was appointed Minister for the
Interior on 25th April, and Amin Zaki Beg, Minister for

Economics and Communications on 2nd July. .
On 19th October Nuri Pasha placed his resignation and those of
his colleagues in the hands of the King. This step was taken
merely to enable a re-shuffling of portfolios to be made and on the
same day the Cabinet was re-formed as follows: 
Prime Minister, Nuri Pasha al Sa'id.
Minister for the Interior, Naji Beg Shaukat.
Minister for Finance, Rustam Beg al Haidar.
Minister for Justice, Jamal Beg Baban.

Minister for Defence and Foreign Affairs, General Ja'far
Pasha al Askari.

Minister for Economics and Communications, Amin Zaki


Minister for Education, Abdul Husain Chalabi.
Ja'far Pasha was at the time 'Iraqi Minister in London, and Naji
Shaukat 'Iraqi Minister at Ankara, and both were recalled hurriedly
to take their places in the new Cabinet. Ja'far Pasha's tenure of
Cabinet office was interrupted for a short period between 1st
and 30th November while he was President of the Chamber.

In 1927, Shaikh Ahmad of Barzan allowed himself to be declared
God and for a short time, until his Prophet was murdered, enjoyed
the prayers of his people. † In 1931, his mind was again unbalanced
by religious aberration. In July, he announced his conversion to
Christianity and, believing that to eat pork was the essential

* The full text is given in Appendix P.
† See page 25 of Report for 1927.