Negotiations between Saudi Arabia and UK over frontier between Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia in Buraimi
FO 371/120578 1956Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Attitude of the oil companies to the Buraimi dispute and Britain's refusal to countenance any proposal implying that the frontier is still subject to dispute (14)
- Thoughts of J F Dulles on settling the Buraimi dispute and Britain's policy to persuade the US not to oppose Britain in the UN (15-16)
- Consideration of possible ways of reaching a settlement with Saudi Arabia, the possible course of a Saudi appeal to the UN Security Council and US concerns that British policy will drive Saudi Arabia towards Russia (17-18)
- Message from the Saudi Minister for Foreign Affairs to Britain resolving to protect Saudi interests against British provocation (19)
- Distribution of the Saudi and British arbitration memorials (20, 32)
- Syrian Prime Minister's offer to act as mediator (21)
- Information that Saudi authorities have sent forty agents secretly in the direction of Buraimi with orders to go in disguise and attack military posts at night (22)
- The Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur's willingness to allow the return of genuine refugees of good character (23)
- The Sultan's refusal to engage with the UN Security Council (24)
- Transmission of the fifth batch of captured documents from the Saudi police in Buraimi. It includes a collection of tribal letters (25)
- Anglo-American talks on the Buraimi dispute in light of the captured documents, and US concern that if it does not support the Saudis, the Soviet Union will (26-27)
- Possible representation of Muscat by HMG at the UN in relation to Buraimi and Nizwa (28)
- British preparation for a potential hearing in the UN Security Council (29-31)
- 1955 map [enclosed] of 'South-Eastern Arabia', illustrating disputed borders (33)
- Iran's support for UN consideration of the Buraimi question, but uncertainty of the position it would adopt in any Security Council discussions (34)