Dispute over frontiers between Saudi Arabia and Aden Colony and Protectorate and other Persian Gulf States
FO 371/114884 1955Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Protest by Saudi Arabia at Aden authorities driving out an Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) party (119)
- Deportation of Saudi guards from the Qu'aiti State of Hadhramaut and the possibility of Saudi reprisals (120-121, 126)
- Problem of maintaining and retrieving ARAMCO equipment left behind in the Aden Protectorate and the involvement of the US State Department (122-125, 127, 129-130, 132-133, 141)
- Foreign Office request that the US advise ARAMCO officially of the frontier line of Oman and the Aden Protectorate (128)
- Request for Petroleum Concessions to express its interest in the oil possibilities in the area that ARAMCO recently intruded, and their response (131-132)
- Reports of ARAMCO incursions into Abu Dhabi and possible courses of action (134-136)
- Saudi protests about movements in formerly disputed areas (137)
- An up-to-date description of the frontier line given to the US Consul General. The Liwa area will be reconnoitred to select sites for Trucial Oman Levies posts and local inhabitants will be reassured after ARAMCO activities (139)
- Saudi complaints of overflying and RAF denial (140)
- Captain J N Ellis's report describing the sequence of events regarding the withdrawal of the ARAMCO party and their Saudi escort (142)